I've had a rough couple of days. My emotions are all over the place. Thankfully, I was able to call a good friend to just sit with me on Monday. And then yesterday, I totally lost my cool and went on a rampage. Thankfully, again, I was able to attend our monthly Ultreya last evening. The peace that all my wonderful Cursillo sisters and brothers provide me is unmeasurable!
I wish I could put my feelings into words. I'm overwhelmed. I look at my son, and from the surface, he looks fine. But I know that inside that beautiful little boy is a heart that is damaged. I'm constantly searching every inch of his body for rashes or signs that the disease has returned. The poor kid! I'm sure if I ask to look at his bottom or stick out his tongue one more time he's going to start screaming at me. Thankfully, we'll be able to see his cardiologist next week to see if the condition of his left coronary artery has changed any. We're praying that all has returned to normal. If so, I think we can move on with our lives with just the precaution of a heart healthy diet and a watchful eye of arthritic pain. It's obviously not the life you want for any of your children, but we'll take whatever we can get.
God gave me a special blessing this morning when I turned on the radio. I needed to hear this today. I needed to be reminded that it's okay to be sad and upset.
When listening to the song it also reminded me of a fellow mommy friend of mine who is also going through some tough stuff with her own son who was recently diagnosed with Type I diabetes. So, YankeeBelle, this is for you too!
lGod has hand selected us for some reason. I accept that and feel honored He thought of us, but I do wish He had given it to me & not the baby. I would take the disease in a heartbeat. I just keep thinking one day He will show us why. Right now, Im flat out mad at the disease. But it has reminded me of something - how blessed I am to have friends and family who care. This song is perfect. Thank you for thinking of me too!!! Stay strong mama! You are obviously very special in HIS eyes and to sweet Bright Eyes too. Hugs Love & Prayers!!! xoxo
This song is amazing! I'd never heard it- but after coming back from seeing my precious nephew this week who has so little hope for healing- it's a comfort to know sometimes "blessings come through raindrops".
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