Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting better every day!

It's been a bittersweet Mother's Day.  I had my first day of baby blues - so that's come with quite a lot of tears.  Between things going on in the NICU that made me nervous, feeling completely judged at Mass this afternoon because of my semi-loud oldest daughter, and arguing with my husband over my crazy misinterpretation of situations...I'm completely drained from crying.  This has happened after each of my babies though...I think it's just a bit elevated because I don't have a sweet little one to hold onto all the time.

Baby Girl gave mommy a wonderful day of gifts.  This morning her nurse let me take her out of the jaundice lights and hold her for 20 minutes.  It was absolute bliss!  She's so tiny and so cuddly...a 5 pound reminder of God's amazing handiwork.  This afternoon Baby Girl's doctor took her off the lights completely (no more jaundice), stopped her antibiotics (all negative cultures), and increased her tube feedings to 1 ounce every 3 hours.  Our last and only hold up now is her breathing rates.  Those were still up in the 80s all last night but have dropped into the 60s over the last 6-8 hours.

She looks so much better without all the extra stuff on her!

May 13th, 2012


holly said...

Happy Mother's Day friend! Praying for that sweet baby, and you!

Janie Mauter said...

This sounds so much like my #2 experience. I remember feeding tubes, limited exposure, etc. I'm thinking of you this week!