Monday, April 30, 2012

Irritable Me!

Well, at least my uterus is!  The doc gave me the diagnosis this morning after I sat for three hours hooked up to the TOCO monitor.  Like clockwork, I watched and FELT contractions every 3-10 minutes.  Some of them were severe enough to cause discomfort while others were just a blip on the machine, but they were there.  Apparently they're not doing anything to progress labor - as I'm still at 1cm.  This all boils down to what is called irritable uterus.  Which basically means I could be having these contractions for the next 3 weeks!  Yeah!!  I'm thrilled!  ;)

However, my doc recommended I get some help for the next week and rest.  He is strongly against me having this baby before the 36 week mark.  The recliner and I are going to be very good friends this week.  I'm going to attempt to not be miserable.  Have you met me?  Have you seen my schedule?  I have things to be doing...all the time!  I really have no idea how I'm going to not do these things.  This will definitely be a test for me to see how well I can really let go and let God!  

I'm thankful for one more day of cooking for this baby!  Each day gives us more of a chance for a healthy, healthy little one!  


Donna said...

Oh no Devon! Just rest and let the "stuff" of life fall to the wayside- baby's health is most important. And a week or two of TV and video games won't hurt the kids if it means Mommy can be sitting! I will bring a meal this week! Praying for you!

Janie Mauter said...

I do hope you can make it last as long as possible! I had Ellie at 35 weeks, so I would not recommend going early! (The birth was incredibly easy on me since she was so tiny, but so much harder on her.)

Janie Mauter said...

I do hope you can make it last as long as possible! I had Ellie at 35 weeks, so I would not recommend going early! (The birth was incredibly easy on me since she was so tiny, but so much harder on her.)